Category Archives: Blog

Contract Invoice Finance

Contract Invoice Finance

What is Contract Invoice Finance? Contract Invoice Finance is a funding and support solution for contractors and sub-contractors who provide services to a main contractor. Funding is available throughout the various stages of a contract, including applications for payment prior to certification. The ability to successfully start new contracts and maintain existing ones relies on […]

Factoring Made Simple

Factoring quotes

What is Invoice Factoring? Factoring Made Simple – Invoice Factoring is a relationship when a Client (Business) sells its invoices to a Lender (third party).  In return the Lender will agree to advance an agreed percentage of the invoice in advance which is known as the prepayment.  Consequently the funding made available by the Lender […]

How to switch Invoice Finance lenders?

Switch Factoring Lender

Invoice Finance used to be seen as a facility which was difficult and time consuming to switch. Business owners would see switching lenders as a daunting task for both themselves and their Customers. This resulted in many Businesses discarding the idea of switching and remaining with their current provider irrespective of cost or service. Over […]